Libro de recetas de “Real California”
¡Es hora de arremangarse y poner manos a la obra! Nuestro libro de recetas está repleto de nuevas recetas y de tus platos tradicionales favoritos. ¿Y la mejor parte? Está a solo un clic de distancia.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 2 minutes
Serves 2
Preheat the broiler and arrange the prepared slider buns/rolls on a sheet pan. Season them with salt and pepper to taste. Lightly toast under the broiler for 1-2 minutes until golden brown and warmed through.
Spread 1/2 teaspoon of butter on each side of the toasted buns then layer on lettuce, slices of cheese and tomato. Serve immediately with a glass of California Cabernet Sauvignon while the bread is still toasty warm.
Recipe credit: CA Grown
Photo credit: Meg van der Kruik for CA Grown